Macaroni Box ("makaronilaatikko")
feeds 4 quite handsomely
keeps for a working week in the fridge
reheat portions by frying gently in a bit of oil
a couple of cups of macaroni
a cupful of soya mince
and cook the macaroni until al dente.
Pre-cook the soya mince according to manufacturer's instructions.
If you have
stock cubes,
you can add those to the water.
It's an idea to cook the macaroni and the soya separately. That way, you can add the drained soya to the frying pan when sauteing the
1 large onion, chopped quite finely,
Sauteing adds flavour to the frankly fairly bland soya.
If you have paprika, add a couple of teaspoonfuls to the soya and onion mix as you saute them.
If you have soya sauce, you can add a bit of that too.
7dl of milk (that's a couple of cupfuls, perhaps a bit more)
3 eggs
in a bowl. Add
salt, pepper and dried oregano
if you have them.
Combine the cooked macaroni and the soya and onion mix in a large oven dish.
Some people like to layer them.
Pour the milk and egg mixture over it all.
If you have cheese, you can sprinkle some on top.
Bake in the oven, medium heat, for about an hour or until the eggy milk has set.
Allow to withdraw for a minute before serving.
If you like tomato sauce, this is the food to eat it with.
For a hi-fi version, you can cook your own straightforward tomato sauce from tomato puree and stock.
If you don't have stock cubes, spices, herbs, cetra, don't add them.
If you don't have milk, use stock (if you have cubes).
If you don't have soya mince, just make this with the macaroni, onions and eggy milk.
If you don't have eggs, just eat the macaroni with whatever you do have.
If you have none of the ingredients mentioned above, try a different recipe. Or Soup from a Stone.
Is this what veggie igloo-dwellers eat? I don't think I could go with the soya mince because in my experience it is grit that doesn't taste of anything. But, like you said, one can substitute. Or just have it as a cheesy macaroni egg custard.
ok. Just going to make my first batch of gingerbread of the season. With buckwheat flour. Watch this space. No - watch my space. Not Myspace. Obvs. Shut my face?
Correct. This is what veggie igloo-dwellers eat. A lot of. The non-veggie igloo dwellers substitute meaty mince for soya, but that's just crazy stuff.
I am with you on the blandness of soya mince; however, you can, when you know what you're doing, flavour it so it tastes like anything you want it to taste like. (Hang on. Maybe one could do that with grit, too? "Soup from Grit" could then be the sequel to "Soup from a Stone" and "Singing into a Pot".) Anyway, one cannot be picky when there's a lot of month left and the only things in the larder are the things one lands up being left with in these situations. So just pick up your fork and knife and finish your igloo plateful, Signs, without all this complaining.
But yes, it is nice just as the macaroni thing (a staple on an igloo Christmas table, as a side dish, when cooked sans meat/soya, incidentally).
I look forward to the gingerbread. Loved the swine big style. And the sheep. But maybe particularly the piggy-wigs.
f-y-i - I came across this person through Twitter:
She has M.E. and I don't know how she does what she does because she always seems to have some project on the go. I quite like reading her recipes and see she has a version of this macaroni dish.
Aye, her recipe collection looks like quite a treat and I've bookmarked her. Thank you. She appears to be a published author, but I've not heard her name before, I don't think. Incidentally, she is the first Finnish PWME I've ever heard about. The illness is very little known over here; most Finns will not even recognise the name. I have wondered whether there was a British pocket or an epidemic in the 80s?
I cooked a small-wee-hours pasta thing last night, as I came home very late from watching the preview showing of my company's spring production and the inevitable drinkies that follow such events. Many odds and ends went into it, and I did toy with the idea of taking a photo and writing up the sorry semi-drunken process. Didn't, in the end, which I now regret. Might have been fun to analyse the workings of The Drunken Cook with a clearer, sober mind. Ah well. There's always a next time.
We have had some 48 hours of straight snowfall. Well over a foot of it has come down from the heavens within that time. I will need to wrap up and take Ms Dogot to have a snow-wade. Hope things are fine with you today, Signskins.
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