Saturday, April 07, 2007

Kids rule

The saving grace of humanity, the one thing that makes mankind worthwhile, is the children. Childhood (and possibly art).

Above, one of mine, playing with fire. I am stupid proud of him.

It is very weird indeed the way our children go ahead and make good some of our unfulfilled ambitions - firejuggling was/is something I have really wanted to learn. Although not something I would have pressurised him to take up, to be sure, or suggested, or even thought. Had I verbalised some unfulfilled ambition of mine he could've (in my view) gone to fulfill, it probably would've been something duller like grabbing a couple of PhD's or similar boring stuff.

That said, I am stupid proud of him.

PS Later: He has just given me a private fire show - do check out the photos


nmj said...

I looked at flick'r: gorgeous boy, gorgeous fire.

Anna MR said...

Hey hun, thank you - yes, isn't he the clever one. Funny how I don't seem to feel all that worried. It's most unlike me.