Sunday, September 24, 2006

The chicken-shit plant

the chicken-shit plant
My mother, a woman with a green thumb (does one say that about born gardeners in English? I can't remember. They do in Finnish anyway, and the translation is amusing enough to be used at least by me) grew this plant using nothing but chicken shit plant manure, soil, water, and sunshine (NB she did not plant any seed whatsoever - the chicken providing the manure must've been fed grapes). We're quite proud of how big it grew, considering its humble origins. It has probably been helped in its plight by this summer's temperatures - still incredibly warm, we're regularly over +20 C in the daytime, unheard of for late September. I'm enjoying it with a nagging al-gorean worry of global-warming induced catastrophes being right on our doorsteps.


charnel doze said...

Cool! I was thinking of trying to grow some grapes next year. On a whim, I tried watermelons a couple of years back, and was reasonably succesful until I realised that they grow *outwards* and not upwards...

You should send your mum round to Kanikoski's next year to help him with his unco-operative window box!

Anna MR said...

I know, kanikoski's window box is the saddest. In real life you can see this layer of crystallised substance topmost, god knows what it is...