My much beloved Reading the Signs made the mistake of suggesting something, which I immediately had to put to the test.
So, here goes for nothing. Please fill in the following questionnaire:
Yes No Maybe I don't know/I would rather not say
Thank you for taking part in this survey. There are no prizes, apart the joy of partaking in the furthering of science.
I just showed this to Mr. Signs and asked him what it suggested to him. Errr, he said - something Indian? Anything else? I asked. Errrr, nope. When I said Madonna he said oh yes, I suppose, but really she should have a baby.
Well I think you make a brilliant Madonna. So I have circled the yes. A bit damned miffed to read that there are no prizes though.
(you're mad, you are - mwah! x )
Wheres the JPG pointy bra ? :)
Cusp, I know you put a smiley up but she is very likely to take you up on that, and we must consider her reputation which so far has been withouten spotte, as I am fairly sure Geoffrey Chaucer would have said.
Anyway, why aren't you hurrying over to mine to give me Parmigiana advice?
Ahem. It seems I now have to come up with a) a photo of moi avec baby b) a photo of moi avec pointy bra.
This make take a few moments – after all, babies don't grow on trees, you know – but I'll get back to you.
heheheh! :)
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